Labrador Retriever Training Secrets


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Labrador Retriever Training

You most probably think that a Labrador Retriever ought to be from Labrador, right? Well that is not so! Labs are believed to have originated from Newfoundland. Labrador is situated northwest of Newfoundland so the proximity of Labrador to Newfoundland might have something to do with the name!

The fishermen of Newfoundland extensively used this breed because the fishing boats could not come too close to the shore and this dog swam out into the icy cold water and dragged the nets full of fish back to the men on the shore.

So as fishermen used these dogs to retrieve their catch, they acquired the name “retriever.” That is why these dogs are strong swimmers. They are not too large to be accommodated on fishing boats either.

On shore, these dogs made excellent companions to hunters. They were used to retrieve prey that the English hunters brought down!

These Englishmen inhabited the St. John’s area of Newfoundland. These hunters were responsible for bringing the dogs to England through the Poole Harbor of Dorset, which was the center of the fishing trade of Newfoundland.

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